Barbara O’Connor is not only a 21st Century multi-media EXPERT; she is first and foremost a Communications Scholar. In One-On-One she discusses YouTube, cell phones and video games. But we also talked about Fritz Heider’s Balance Theory; and B. F. Skinner’s behaviorist theory of learning.
Skinner, a Harvard Professor believed that learning is a process of ‘conditioning’ in an environment of stimulus; basically, his research shows that students learn through reward and punishment. I say most parents will agree with that.
Heider’s Balance theory is all about motivation, and attitude change. One good way to describe Balance Theory is the phrase: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” I understood what Barbara was talking about because I’ve watched Alien versus Predator at least 1,000 times and the heroine uses that phrase when she joins forces with the Predators to defeat the Aliens. I know, I’m weird, but I love movies.
Barbara’s discussion was about all of us learning better communication skills. And she outlines ways so we can begin talking to one another.
Communication’s Professor Barbara O’Connor knows what she is talking about.