Here is Why Are We Suffering with Inflation – Trump
Here is why we are suffering with Inflation: Trump


Where is why we are suffering with Inflation: Trump. Trump, the Congressional Republicans, and the 2017 Tax Cuts. 

Those cuts helped the wealthiest Americans and corporations. 

The GOP used talking points that claimed that the Wealthy and Big Business would pass on the billions in benefits they were getting from Trump and the GOP by raising salaries for working Americans. 

It never happened.

Instead  we got INFLATION! 

Forbes calls it  A Trillion Dollar Boondoggle from Trump and Republcans. 

The Forbes article called, “The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn’t Work, The Data Prove It,” cites the Independent, non-Partisan Congressional Research Service just released report that says the Trump Tax Cuts raised the U.S. Debt and is causing Inflation. 

I want to share two more articles with you. Here are the headlines.

Trump’s 2017 tax cuts helped set stage for today’s inflation. Doubling down will make things worse.

This editorial in the Chicago Sun Times documents what the Congressional Research Service concluded, only the rich benefited from the Trump 2017 Tax Cuts. 

And that is why we an barely afford food and gas right now.

And here is the last article I want to share with this post. 

GOP wants to push to extend Trump tax cuts after midterm elections 

The Washington Post reports that if Republicans win control of the House and Senate they will extent the Trump Tax cuts. 

As you all know, President Joe Biden can veto their plan. 

But as I already shared in another post, the GOP will blackmail President Biden by using the Debt Ceiling vote. 

How are Republicans going to pay for their cuts for the Rich?

By destroying Medicare, Social Security, Medicade, limiting aide to Ukraine and raising drug prices. 

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