Highlights of The Trump Rape and Defamation Deposition
Trump's Rape and Defamation Deposition


Another one of Donald Trump’s legal cases may go to the Jury this coming week. The case, E. Jean Carroll versus Donald J. Trump. The Rape and Defamation Trial.

On Friday, the court released a portion of the former President’s recorded Deposition.

I will play clips or sound bites from that recording in this episode of Political Woman. And I will tell you why.

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(Note: This text is a transcript of my Podcast.)

The audio of Trump’s Deposition in the Rape case is about 48 minutes long. The law firm of Kaplan Hecker & Fink released the video.

I’ve posted that on my website; thank you, Law and Crime Trial Network. That is where the audio originates.

The clips I’m sharing are related to Trump’s communication skills. His distrain for women, anger, and contempt for anybody who challenges or disagrees with him.

Trump is questioned by E. Jean Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan. 

Trump continues to deny he knows E. Jean Carroll. And she is not his type. Therefore he would not sexually attack her.

The first clip relates to June 21 statement/Tweet. I call it:

“I never met this woman in my life.” 

(audio clip)


This statement is a lie.

Trump did meet Carroll. Their meeting was captured on film. 

He explains the picture, saying they met for a charity benefit in a receiving line.

But he also misidentifies Carroll as his ex-wife Marla Maples. This basically proves to be another Lie. Carroll was his type. She looks just like his wife. Here is how Attorney Kaplan wraps this up line of questioning. (audio clip)



Trump posted on social media a lengthy statement about E. Jean Carroll’s allegations and the lawsuit.  Here is the beginning of that exchange. He uses Swooned in place of the F word.

I will stop here to point out that Trump’s attorney objected to the question. She said, Objection, form. Which means she objected to the way the question was asked. Carroll’s Attorney, Roberta Kaplan, says, “That’s not what you meant, ya?” Trump’s attorney objects but Trump ignore her and plows on with his answer.

Here’s the rest of that exchange about swooning. But note this. I’m going to repeat the end of the last sound bite. Because Trump begins lying. From here on, Trump is just making his answers up. The lies get worse. This starts with “She loved it….”

Here is the clip I call, 

He Didn’t Rape her, but she Loved it.


This is a pattern with him. He repeats lies again and again. He sounds like he believes the lie. He gets his cult followers to believe him. 


“She’s Not My Type”  

According to the former President, he has been advised not to use the phrase “Not his Type.” He ignores that advice.

Carroll’s attorney, Kaplan, wraps up the swooning questions and gets on to “Not his type” questions. And you can hear him getting angry toward the end of the clip.

(audio clip)


Trump has called the rape accusation a Hoax. One of many. Listen.

(audio clip) 

The Trump Cult and Election Officials in Red states worked to curtail the use of Mail-in ballots because of Trump. This has hurt Republicans. Even though he calls Mail-in Ballots a Hoax, he used mail-in ballots.

The Access Hollywood Audio

I am not going to play Trump’s Access Hollywood sound. Because we have all heard it, if you want to listen to it about the Deposition questions, you can find it on gloriamoraga.com. When I post this story, I will put a time code document next to or in that story so you can easily find the sound bites.

What will it play is Trump’s response to Attorney Kaplan’s questioning.

(audio clip)

He says it’s just locker room talk; it’s the way people speak. My response. No, they don’t. It’s the way he talks. Women are considered property; we have no rights.

Near the end of the tape, Kaplan asks about the two other women who have accused Trump of sexual assault—one on an airplane, another at his Maralargo Hotel.  

Trump takes this opportunity to take a swipe at Kaplan.

(audio clip)

Last week, Donald Trump’s Lawyer rested without presenting a defense or calling a single witness. Trump’s Lawyer, Joe Tacopina, told the court that Trump would not appear or testify.

At the same time, Trump was on a golfing trip to Ireland and Scotland, and when asked by a reporter, he said I’m going home to America to testify or defend myself against the rape charges.

So! What is it?

The Judge, who is losing patience, says he will give Trump until Sunday to make a final decision.

If Trump does not show up. If I were betting, I’d say he would not show up. He will not testify. He’s a coward, a bully, no way.

No show; there will be closing arguments on Monday. Kaplan goes first. Then Tacopina. Then Kaplan gets to close with a rebuttal of whatever Tacopina says.

The jury instruction. And Deliberations. This is simple care. Because it’s civil, E. Jean Carroll and her attorneys do not have the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt, like in criminal cases. They just have to prove that Carroll proved rape and defamation by showing a preponderance of the evidence.

Instead of proving your case beyond any reasonable doubt, the plaintiff must only show that their proposition is more likely to be true than not true. The preponderance of the evidence standard of proof (AKA balance of probabilities) is essentially met if there is a greater than 50% chance that the plaintiff’s claims are valid—only 51 percent.

I will post on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram when the verdict comes in. Please follow me there.

Trump's Deposition Video

E. Jean Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, questions Defendant Donald J. Trump

Time code Document

This is a basic time code of sound bites. 

8:00 Never Read Carroll’s book

9:10 Trump responds to sexual assault allegations by E. Jean Carroll, saying, “I’ve never met this person in my life. He tweets about it.

13:00 – 13:46 Quote in “The Hill” article, published on June 24, 2019: “I’ll says it with great respect: “Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened, OK?”

Do you still stand by that statement today? Trump: “Yes, I do.”

14:33 Did you or anyone on the staff reach out to Bergdorf Goodman? Sound bite from Trump: “I didn’t have to reach out because it didn’t happen. And if it didn’t happen, it would have been reported in minutes. “it’s the most ridiculous disgusting story. It’s just made up.”

15:30 Trump is shown one of his tweets, “I never met this person in my life.” Trump discusses meeting many people, and he was on a receiving line.  Trump says, “I think that is her claim to fame that she shook my hand once.”

17:21 He is shown a photo of E. Jean Carroll. And identifies E. Jean Carroll as his wife Marla (Maples). He says it is blurry.

21:45 Discussion about Trump saying Ms. Carroll is not my type. But the three women he married are his type.

22:45 What is Truth Social? Discussion about Truth Social post on October 12, 2022. The attorney reads the long post.

27:31 “I still don’t know this woman. I think she is a Whack Job.”

28:00 “I think she’s sick. Mentally sick.

28:21 Trump post: “This woman made up a story that I met her at the door of a department store, and within minutes, I “swooned” her.” Lawyers asked what does that mean? Trump explains the word. Trump says, “That would be a word, having to do with talking to her and talking to do an act. She said I did to her, which I didn’t do.” It’s more excellent than the word that begins with an F.

29:30 discussion about sex and that E. Jean Carroll said she loved being raped. He is wrongly quoting an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN.

31:30 Trump goes off. I don’t know anything about this nut job. The lawyer asks about a post where Trump says, I’m not supposed to say it, but I will.

It’s not politically correct to say she is not my type. “She’s accusing me of Rape. It came out of the blue. She’s accusing me of rape. Of raping her. The worst thing you can do. And you know it’s not true. You’re a political operative also. You’re a disgrace. She’s accusing me of rape, and so are you, and it never took place. She’s not my type.

32:30 Using the word Hoax. Russia. Ukraine. Muller. Lying to Congress. Spying on my campaign. He lists hoaxes. This is ridiculous. She’s a liar.

Mail-in ballots are also a Hoax

35:38 Access Hollywood Tape.

40:00 Men have been doing this for a million years

40:46 People Magazine alleged assault

43:47 Airplane alleged assault

45:00 Not interested in an attorney

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