If It’s the Economy, Stupid – Vote Democrat
If it really is the Econony Stupid then Vote for a Democrat


It’s The Economy, Stupid –

If it’s the Economy, Stupid, then vote for a Democrat. All you need to do is look back at our history.

Our Current Situation

I must remind you that there is a Worldwide Economic Crisis right now. Experts blame our financial woes on the Worldwide Pandemic and War in Ukraine.

Inflation is happening everywhere right now.

That said. Big Corporations are taking advantage of this situation by price gouging. They are raking in record profits.

Watch Congresswoman Katie Porter’s video on this issue.

So while we suffer, Corporate Profits are skyrocketing. More than half of what we are paying now goes into CORPORATE PROFITS.

Finally, my point.

Every Economic Disaster in American History happened Under a Republican President.

The Economy.

Democratic Presidents are better at managing our economy than Republicans.  Period.

Let’s review.

Herbert Hoover – Republican

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 – The Great Depression Followed

In 1928, Hoover was elected president, but eight months later, the stock market crash of 1929 occurred, ushering in the Great Depression. Hoover’s policies -included letting the economy take care of itself. He could not overcome the economic destruction and despair that resulted in losing his reelection bid in 1932.

Who fixed this? FDR – President Franklin Roosevelt. He saved us. FDR was, of course, a Democrat.

Ronald Reagan – Republican

The 1982 recession during the Reagan Administration resulted in high-interest rates, homelessness, and unemployment. “We are really in trouble,” Reagan wrote in his diary.

Recession – most significant tax cuts ever. For the wealthiest Americans. 

“Despite his reputation as a tax slasher, Reagan raised taxes three times and tripled the deficit during his eight years in office. 

Sadly, his working-class “Reagan Democrat” admirers don’t seem to remember that one of his tax hikes raised payroll taxes, which hurt poor and middle-class Americans and shielded the wealthy.

The main reason he’s remembered as a tax-cutter is because of what he did to tax rates for the uber-rich: He slashed the top rate from 70 percent to 28 percent, and income inequality had soared ever since so that today, the top 1 percent of Americans controls a quarter of the nation’s wealth, as opposed to 8 percent when Reagan became president.”

Here is a quote from David stockman, the director of the office of management and budget under President Ronald Reagan.

“The sad thing is that many middle-class Republicans who voted for Reagan never understood that “their President” only cared and worked for the wealthy and against them.”

George W. Bush, Republican – 2008 financial meltdown. – The Great Recession.  

It began with greed. Banks were selling mortgages. Banks were lending money to unqualified borrowers. People were borrowing from their homes.

Dozens of banks failed. Millions of people lost their homes. Crash. In the end, the federal government had to bail out the banks. The financial meltdown almost destroyed the U.S. economy. That is why we bailed out the banks.

 Then-President George W. Bush had no explanations. He could only urge fortitude. 

“Someday, you guys will need to tell me how we ended up with a system like this.… If we’re stuck with these miserable choices, we’re not doing something right.”

Donald Trump Covid Crisis. Republican.

The lack of leadership during the health crisis was deadly- with thousands of Americans dying every day- and also disastrous for the economy.

The utter lack of a coherent, effective response to COVID has severely damaged the economy.”

The debt has ballooned under Trump. During Trump’s tenure, the total national debt has skyrocketed by more than $7 trillion more than $7 trillion during Trump’s term.

We lost a war under trump, the Trade War with China. That cost us 300,000 jobs.

Yet as he leaves after his one-term tenure, Trump had become the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered.

There you have it. Thank you for walking with me down the Economic Memory lane as we look at Republican Presidents and the economy.

Back to 2022

Finally, Republicans do not have one Anti-inflation proposal at all. They want to give more tax cuts to the rich. Yes, the same corporations are charging us high prices to reap record profits.

They want to hold up the Debt Ceiling Vote so they can Cut Social Security.

Republicans want to Stop debt forgiveness for millions of young people. They are challenging Biden’s plans in the courts.

They want to block the cap on insulin cost.

These are just a few of their ideas—no plans to help us with inflation.

I’m Gloria Moraga. This is Political Woman. If you care about the economy and inflation. Vote. This is just one issue—the Economy. I’ve given you reasons to vote for Democrats—more tomorrow.

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