Anti Asian Hate Crimes – An American Disgrace.


“We need to have a courageous conversation about racism in America.” Dr. Timothy Fong, Ethnic Studies Professor, California State University Sacramento.

Don’t Hate – Communicate

If ever there was a time for all of us to stop and talk to each other about Racism in America – THIS IS IT! 

The videos are everywhere. They are violent and sickening. Anti-Asian Hate Crimes are increasing. On the West Coast, in San Francisco, CA, on January 28, 2021, shortly after celebrating his birthday 84-year-old Vicha Ratanapakdee was knocked to the ground and killed while walking in his neighborhood.

In early February, in Oakland, CA. a 71-year-old grandmother was attacked while walking to work.

In New York City, a small, older woman is pushed to the ground then kicked in the head. Repeatedly. Bystanders watch, do nothing, then close a glass door, leaving her alone on the pavement. She alone, and hurt.

Anti Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Hate Crimes increased 150 percent in 2020 when compared to 2019. According to the organization “Human Rights Watch,” cities across the United States are experiencing numerous attacks, especially against older people and women.

The City of Oakland, CA, reported 20 attacks during January 2021.

Hate Crimes are happening everywhere, but New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area are experiencing the most blatant violence.

I spoke One-On-One with Professor Timothy Fong from Sacramento State’s Ethnic Studies Department.

In Part 1 of our conversation, we discussed the United States’ disgraceful History of Violence and Discrimination against Asian Immigrants.

What can we do?

Most of us are appalled as we watch a big man push a smaller woman to the ground and stomp on her head.

What rational, caring person would not be sickened?

But what can I do, some of those caring people ask.

Professor Fong responded, “There is a courageous conversation we all need to have…”

Stop AAPI Hate is an organization that is collecting data on Anti Asian-American and Pacific Islander Hate Crimes. There is a strong evidence that suggests that many AAPI Hate Crimes go unreported. Stop AAPI Hate’s homepage encourages visitors to report this crime.

Besides teaching Ethnic Studies at Sacramento State, Professor Fong is also Director and Principal Investigator, Full Circle Project, Co-Principal Investigator, Pathways Fellows Program.

As a video producer at the university I worked closely with two Full Circle Project students-gifted, female videographers. The program is a Gem.

I remain connected to my two Full Circle Project students. I am dazzled by their photos on Instagram. They like many young women are alarmed at the anti-Asian violence that is hurting women at a disproportionate rate.

As I search for answers I found numerous resources on the violence that is harming Asian-American Pacific Islander citizens and immigrants. I share the links below.

One part of my One-On-One conversation with Professor Fong continues to haunt me. It’s the sound bite where he talks about “W.W.A. – Walking While Asian.” Yes, it is more than a sound bite or a quote. It is now a way of life in America.

Just like the initials, “D.W.B – Driving While Black or Brown.” WWA is a shame and a disgrace. For all of us.

Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – An American Disgrace.

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